My Bloody Valentine Read online

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  Lover of Dr. Pepper, all things chocolate, and Duran Duran, her dreams finally became a reality with her debut novel, Timeless Night. Creator of the New Camelot series, as well as The Cloie Chronicles, Ms. James has plans to continue spinning many new worlds.

  Torie lives in Southern California with her family and a houseful of pets who rule the roost.

  H.K. Sterling

  H.K. Sterling is an author with Breathless Press known for stories with a kick and twist endings. H.K. likes to focus her writing on suspense, science-fiction, shorts, and anything that is spicy and unexpected.She lives in Virginia with her husband who graciously puts up with her passion for writing. H.K. currently has a Mystery Thriller out: A Taste For Killing; and two short stories in the Breathless Press Anthology: My Bloody Valentine. She is currently working on a sequel to A Taste For Killing and a Science Fiction book of short twists. You can contact H.K. on the following social media:

  Twitter: @HKSterling


  Email: [email protected]

  HK Sterling “Undercover Blog”:

  Jay Wilburn

  Jay Wilburn lives with his wife and two sons in the coastal swamps of South Carolina in the southern United States. He left teaching after sixteen years to care for the health needs of his younger son and to pursue writing full time. He has stories in Best Horror of the Year volume 5, Fifty Shades of Decay, and Zombies Need Love Too. His novels include Loose Ends and Time Eaters. Follow his many dark thoughts at and @AmongTheZombies on Twitter.

  Jen Bradlee

  Jen Bradlee can get away with murder, metaphorically speaking of course. She is a sensual woman who enjoys people watching, belly dancing, and taking walks in the rain. Give her a man who isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty and plays hard. The ones with rough edges and a little scruff are the best. She finds cathartic release when she pours all her fantasies and desires into her writing. Comes with a warning label. “Too hot to handle.”

  Dianne Hartsock

  Dianne is the author of m/m erotic romance, both contemporary and fantasy, the psychological thriller, and anything else that comes to mind. Oh, and a floral designer. If she can’t be writing, at least she has the chance to create with the beauty of flowers and bring a smile to someone’s face. Currently, Dianne lives in the Willamette Valley of Oregon with her husband, and both her children have chosen to attend colleges close to home, for which she is forever thankful.

  Dianne is a multi-published author with Breathless Press, being the proud owner of her Shelton in Love series, Wee Willie Winkie—a Naughty Nursery Rhyme, and having stories in various anthologies, her most recent ones being, Callum’s Fate in the Down on the Farm anthology and The Dark Bokor, part of the Walking Dead books.





  Amazon Author Page:

  Christine Morgan

  Christine Morgan works the overnight shift in a psychiatric facility and divides her writing time among many genres, though her true calling seems to be trending toward historical horror and dark fantasy (especially Viking-themed stories). A lifelong reader, she also writes, reviews, beta-reads, occasionally edits, and dabbles in self-publishing. She has several novels in print, with more due out soon.

  Her stories have appeared in more than three dozen anthologies, ‘zines and e-chapbooks. She’s been nominated for the Origins Award and made Honorable Mention in two volumes of Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror. She’s also a wife, mom, and possible future crazy-cat-lady whose other interests include gaming, history, superheroes, crafts, and cheesy disaster movies.

  Brantwijn Serrah

  When she isn’t visiting the worlds of immortals, demons, dragons, and goblins, Brantwijn fills her time with artistic endeavors: sketching, painting, customizing My Little Ponies and sewing plushies for friends. She can’t handle coffee unless there’s enough cream and sugar to make it a milkshake, but try and sweeten her tea and she will never forgive you. She moonlights as a futon for four lazy cats, loves tabletop role-play games, and can spend hours watching Futurama, Claymore, or Buffy the Vampire Slayer while she writes or draws.

  Brantwijn has had several stories published in anthologies by Breathless Press, including the 2013 Crimson Anthology and 2014 Ravaged Anthology. She’s also had a short story published in the Cleiss Press Big Book of Orgasm, and will be a contributor in the upcoming charity anthology, Coming Together; Through the Storm. She has author pages on GoodReads and Amazon and loves to see reader comments on her work. Her short stories occasionally pop up at Foreplay and Fangs, her blog at

  Shelli Rosewarne

  Shelli Rosewarne had always had a dream in the back of her head about wanting to be a writer, from the time she was handing in ten page stories at primary school and driving her teachers crazy. However, like with so many things, life and paying the bills got in the way and she worked in various jobs from call centers to shops to offices.

  She eventually realized that life is too short not to try and follow your dreams, and has since had her first stand alone novella published with Breathless Press, along with several submissions in anthologies, another novel contracted for later in the year and various works in progress in the pipeline. Yup, she’s having to pinch herself as well!

  She currently lives in Edinburgh with her long-suffering fiancé and slightly psycho cat. When not writing she loves reading, music and photography.

  You can follow her at:


  Twitter - @shellirosewarne

  Blog –

  Kera Faire

  A Scottish-based author with the love of the unexpected, Kera writes stories to make your heart miss a beat. Living in the land of spirits helps her to get into the right frame of mind, and find light in the dark side of life.

  Lisa A. Adams

  Lisa A. Adams writes from a little plot of country, tucked away in the North Carolina Sandhills. When she’s not writing, Lisa can be found in her sewing room, in a classroom, or at a local soccer field. When asked about her family, Lisa will be the first to tell you that they have been the backbone of not only her writing career, but anything she chooses to pursue as well. She has been married to her husband for over ten years, has five wonderful children, and two very spoiled cats.

  Iyana Jenna

  Starting writing extensively after her obsession of The Lord of the Rings, Iyana finds herself unable to stop and keeps on writing especially when life gives her lemons. She only began to publish her stories this year after a constant nagging from a friend who thought it would be such a waste to keep the stories for herself. To Iyana, writing is never a waste. When not writing, Iyana sings, shouts, and jumps around with her kid pupils in the class, or travels around the country for her every day job.

  Kelly Ryan

  Kelly Ryan, who sometimes writes as Sheri Velarde, lives in New Mexico and grew up with a fascination for all things that “go bump in the night,” so it is no wonder that she turned to writing paranormal romance. In her spare time, she fancies herself a cryptozoologist and loves to attend paranormal related outings, searching for things that might not really exist. She is an avid exerciser and gets some of her best ideas while on runs. She also has a bit of a wild side, which only leads to inspiration for her writing.

  Being an avid reader since an early age, she has wanted to be a writer for as long as she can remember. She has been writing all her life, but only recently started to actually try to pursue her dream of writing for a living.

  She is constantly putting out new material, so i
t is best to keep up with her on her website. Kelly/Sheri is a multi-published author; you can keep up to date with all things Kelly Ryan/Sheri Velarde at:

  Roni Sharpe

  Roni lives in the British Cotswolds with three dogs, two cats, and a small dragon. She started writing stories at a very young age, but as she got older she found sex far more interesting. Eventually she found the perfect way to meld both her passions and started writing stories featuring hot characters having even hotter sex.