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My Bloody Valentine Page 8

She stood back an inch or two and stared him in the eyes.

  “And how about this?” The sharp point of her shoe hit him square in the neck. Blood squirted and she lapped at it eagerly. The look of surprise on his face made her laugh as his blood dripped down her chin. “No fanging allowed, Luc. I’m my own mistress, not yours.”

  His eyes rolled as his skin paled. “This way I’ll die.”

  She nodded and licked her lips as she let him slide to the floor. The tingles and shivers of a blood-induced climax grew ever stronger, and Kelsey let it overwhelm her. She moaned as the little death filled and renewed her.


  “The other way I would. You thought I didn’t know that? Too late. Give my regards to Papa and tell him his hell isn’t for me. Oh, and happy Valentine’s day. Sorry your life is over, but I’m happy to say, with this, now mine can begin.” Kelsey dropped a black rose onto his slumped body and noticed his last breath leave him.

  The room was in his name, and no trace of Kelsey Demon would ever be found. Linda Jones walked away to start her unencumbered life, a new woman.

  It surely was a happy Valentine’s day.

  Invoking Ostara


  Lisa A. Adams

  Macey’s heartbeat was rapid. The thumping reverberated through her chest and climbed higher. The sound pulsed through her bloodstream, up her throat, until it finally settled in her ears. The drumming of her own fear drowned out every other sound that surrounded her.

  The cavern was dark in every manner save one. The small torch that she held bounced its light off the splintered wooden door in front of her. The metal hinges were rusted with age, but maintained a fierce grip on the planks.

  The dress that had been chosen for this particular ritual hung from her breasts and clung to her curves in a restrictive fashion and was as see-through as gossamer. The hardened tips of her nipples poked from beneath the fabric and Macey was unsure if the chill that crept up her back was from the frigid temperatures here beneath the earth, or if it was her senses warning her about the approaching danger.

  She had been training for this moment most of her adult life. Being chosen as the virgin sacrifice was a great honor. But behind this door lay a coven of men and one would take her virginity tonight. They needed her innocence and she would be the vessel that the goddess Ostara would inhabit.

  “Enter, child,” the gruff voice that resonated through the door beckoned to her.

  She straightened herself, breathed in, and managed to clasp the metal handle. Pressing her thumb on the old latch, she exhaled a long, lingering breath. Macey pulled gently on the door and set out to begin her journey.

  This second room was no more comforting than the first. Its pitch-black shadows danced among the escaping rays of light from several dimming torches that lined the walls. A circle of twelve people, hooded and cloaked, surrounded an enormous stone slab that stood several feet from the ground.

  After her initial observations, she kept her head down. She shuffled across the dirt floor and made her way to the center stone. It had been adorned with white lilies and sprays of Jacob’s ladder, used to symbolize her virginity and for summoning. She stood next to the makeshift altar and studied the grooves and creases in the rock. She reached out and touched it. The coolness of the rock sent new shocks to her hardened peaks.

  A man stepped behind her and reached to her front, taking the torch from her hand. “You have been brought this night to help awaken the goddess Ostara and bring her forth on this glorious evening to allow her to walk among us for a short time.”

  His voice struck a chord within her and tingles shot through her spine. Goose bumps covered her arms and the fine hairs stood on end, protesting her actions.

  “Are you aware of your place in this ritual and have you succumbed to the fact that the great goddess will overtake your body this evening as we consume ourselves within you?”

  “Yes.” Though her answer was immediate and trained, her lip quivered as the word passed from her.

  “Then let us begin.”

  Macey glanced up from the stone and stared at the blue eyes of the man in front of her, peeking from behind a mask. She looked left and right. The men there also wore masks that covered the majority of their faces. She turned and shifted her gaze to each of the other men who stood around her. They were all dressed exactly the same. Their masks were all identical. Their hands were hidden by gloves. Only their eyes and lips showed any differences.

  The man who had begun the ceremony now stepped back, carrying her torch, and he wore a smile quite obvious behind the mask. “Please assume your position.”

  Years of training took over and emotion left her body. Macey pushed herself onto the cold slab, all too aware of the dozen pairs of eyes that now gazed upon her like a tasty meal. The thrumming of her heart returned to her ears and she lay down. The chill of the stone pierced her skin.

  A taller man stepped forward and uncloaked himself, but didn’t remove the mask. Defined was the word that came to her mind. His hair was jet black, straight, and hung low on his brow but short on the sides.

  Her intended reached forward and stroked her arm, which sent a new set of tingles through her body. As he ran his fingers across her shoulder and skimmed them across the arcs of her breasts, Macey’s body responded by releasing a small quake between her thighs.

  He circled to the far end of the stone and placed his hands between her feet. With the bulging of his arm muscles and a quick lift, he was suddenly kneeling between her legs.

  Her breathing quickened as she gazed at his incredibly beautiful skin and the hard cock that pulsed in eagerness at her vortex. Her lover pushed at the edge of her sheer dress and ran his thumbs up her thighs to move the material out of his way. She shifted her body, making it easier for him to continue this undressing part of the ritual. He proceeded up her body, crushing the fabric together and sliding it farther up, until at last it had been shoved beyond her breasts.

  She lay there completely exposed, surrounded by eleven other men gawking at her, staring into the sapphire blue eyes of her seducer. Plunging a hand under her shoulder, he grasped her behind her neck and pulled her into a sitting position in front of him. “I will not hurt you. I only ask that you take me into you, so that we may bring forth the goddess on this beautiful night. Do you accept my gift?”

  She nodded, unable to speak the words she knew she would have to say. Fear was not the culprit that held her tongue at bay; it was want. Macey had watched this man’s actions, his features, and his finesse and knew that this man would be one she would willingly give herself to.

  Pulling her closer, he positioned her on his lap and embraced her tightly. Breathing in her scent, he moaned in her ear, which sent vibrations down to her center. She was straddling him. His penis lay stiff between their stomachs and she was overcome with curiosity and desire.

  Pulling herself only inches away from him, she gazed at his manhood. She touched her fingertips to the edge of her lips and kissed them. Moving them down his stomach, she could feel him quiver and a throb pulsed from his cock. Macey ran her fingers across the tip, feeling the moisture that had already formed on its head. Looking up, she grinned at her companion as she gripped his mass in her hand.

  Jerking upward with her touch, his eyelids fell heavy with a sudden lust. “Yes.” He pushed his hands under her bottom and pulled her onto him, allowing her to slide up and down on his shaft without penetrating her.

  She felt her folds surround him and the ride became smoother. She was wet and ready for him to complete his portion of the ritual. “Take yourself unto me, and let us bring forth the goddess Ostara.” This time she had no reluctance. As far as she was concerned, it was only the two of them and his touch would lead her to ecstasy.

  She pushed herself up his chest and felt his cock slide between her thighs. With the tip of his penis pressing on her opening, she sat down slowly, allowing each portion of his head to enter her. It burned and stretched her most priv
ate possession, but the pain was only temporary. He didn’t rush her. He sat staring into her eyes and holding her tightly to his chest. A small grin played across his lips.

  She felt him fill her completely. Stuffed and throbbing in her, he urged her on with a tiny push to her hips. The motion triggered a tingling of nerves that ran up the length of her spine. Following his lead, she rose up gradually and then sat on him again. Repeatedly, she lifted herself, then settled on him and with each movement it became easier, less painful, and more addictive. She clutched herself to him and moved faster.

  He threw his head back and groaned in a lustful plea. The light from the torches danced across the walls and the coven chanted a song of decadent beats that guided her on. Releasing his shoulder and throwing her hands high above the air felt right. He held fast to her, burying his face between her breasts, and swayed back and forth with the rhythm.

  From below, she could feel her insides quaking. He pulled her down tightly on his shaft and held her there, allowing her to feel the quickening of his own release. The pulsing of his cock inside her tickled her sensitive spots and she could hold back no longer.

  She shrieked in a loud culmination of quivers that ran through her body; she was spent. Every muscle ached with fatigue and she went limp in his arms. Burying her head in the crook of his neck, she kissed his skin gently and relished the salty flavor of his sweat.

  He stroked her head and twisted the ends of her hair between his fingers. “My love.”

  She sighed.

  Behind her, the booming voice broke their interlude. “The ceremony has been completed. The goddess Ostara shall stand close to us this spring, as we have invoked her spirit. The crops shall sow stronger and the livestock produce healthy babes.”

  She lifted her head from her lover’s chest and whispered, “What is your name?”

  “I am Brandon.” Even his deep voice created a reaction in her body.

  “What will happen next?”

  “The elders will want to have their way with the goddess as well.” He lifted her chin and smiled.

  “What? That wasn’t part of my training!”

  He restrained her. Clutching her to him, he whispered, “I said they would want to. But I believe the goddess has chosen me.”

  He released her and pushed her away from him. She knelt upon the slab and watched as the mob of robed men began to close in on them. Brandon jumped from the slab and stood unwavering before the other men. “The goddess does not wish to go further.”

  “You do not have a say in this, young Brandon. This is the way it has always been done.”

  “Ostara has chosen me, and I will not allow it.”

  The man who led the ceremony approached quickly. “You will mind your place!” He reached forward to grab Brandon, who swerved from his grasp.

  “You will mind your place!” Brandon punched the masked man in the face. The man retaliated and soon others were joining against her love.

  She shook her head, not believing what was happening. Blood flew from Brandon’s mouth and landed on her gossamer gown. “No,” she managed to whisper. “Stop.” Louder this time, she barely could hear her own words against the commotion. “Stop. Stop.” She moved to the edge of the slab, watching in horror. She threw her hands wide in the air once more. “Stop!”

  And everything did. Frozen in time, men now stood as statues. Muscles clenched and, mid-swing, these new sculptures were done.

  Ostara slid from the slab and headed towards her lover. Brandon was slumped on the floor and looking up at his assailant. He wasn’t breathing or moving. She placed her hand on him and he blinked. She smiled warmly at him. “You were right, my love.” She leaned closer to his ear and whispered, “I choose you.”

  She pulled him to a standing position. “Countless times, I have been summoned to this earth and have inhabited many different bodies. You were the first who has ever protected me from other lustful men. I shall reward you greatly.”

  Ostara clutched his arm and walked him through the cave. “It’s time to go home.” A bright light filled the cave and their journey began.

  Spider Prince


  Iyana Jenna

  Huh? Aleich wheezed as his flight was utterly ruined. He was snared. Fine threads of spiderweb were all over his body, winding around his ankles and wrists, stretching his limbs, and impeding all movement or chance to flee. It felt as though the strands were alive, groping intimately over his face and tightening seductively around his waist.

  Aleich was frantic as he heard Ghaelt, the eight-legged beast, inch toward him. He tried to twist around, but his attempts only made the bonds tighter. Aleich’s feet barely touched the ground, hampering his attempt to kick around the spot where he thought his belongings lay. He had never felt so helpless and exposed—when even glancing to his sides was impossible.

  So engrossed was Aleich that he failed to notice a movement, now right behind him. Only the rising hair on his neck told him that someone—or something—was there. He was squirming in despair when, suddenly, a blunt tip poked into the snug skin of his neck. As he struggled again in earnest, a blinding pain shot through his mind and his mouth dropped involuntarily, letting out a silent cry of agony. His head fell back and his body began to convulse. Aleich was lost into the shadow even before the spider pulled its sting from his neck.


  Ghaelt gently severed the cords from around his captive’s arms and legs, while making sure he was not slammed onto the hard ground. With his many limbs, Ghaelt caught each of the appendages, spreading him out in the air. One of his legs hooked around the unconscious man’s waist and then Ghaelt started to move.

  Deeper and deeper he went into the cavern inside the rocky mound separating Bankunt and Garness Plain. Ghaelt crawled noiselessly, once in a while halting to listen for this lovely fellow’s faint breathing before grunting in contentment and proceeding. He moved faster, carrying his prisoner with only two hind legs. With his other six, he limped lightly down into his lair.

  Ghaelt stopped short in front of a big hole leading to a murky chamber. He pondered as he made low huffing noises. All of a sudden, a soft rumble came from deep in the core of the earth and became louder and louder until the entire mountain shook in fury. When it finally subsided, Ghaelt chuckled in amusement.

  He stepped forward and openly laughed with mirth to see the cave had turned bright. Torches were lit in every corner, giving off illumination and warmth, making it like no other cave inside a mountain. Rugs were spread over the ground, the fur soft and unsoiled. Soft webs shrouded the walls. They were translucent and instead of making the place dirty, they adorned the surface like velvet curtains.

  Ghaelt went to a far corner of the cavern, laid the human down onto the sheathed ground, and then scrambled back a little. The man might look filthy and weary, but Ghaelt felt certain that behind all those stains, there was pure beauty. Seeing his eyes as he scuffled against his bonds earlier, Ghaelt had felt a flutter in his heart.

  He had fallen for the human.

  And now his spirit soared in bliss. It was going to be set free. Unleashed.

  Ghaelt shuffled closer to the man and lifted two of his front legs. With a slowness that was almost painful, he reached for the clasp of the man’s cloak. It amazed Ghaelt that his big nails could easily unclasp the man’s brooch. The cloak fell from his shoulders and Ghaelt panted, faster and faster.

  Next Ghaelt stripped the fellow of his shabby tunic and tattered breeches. In no time, he was in naught but his skin.

  Ghaelt crept back to appreciate the result of his work. No, he hadn’t made a wrong choice at all. This was the loveliest being he had ever laid eyes on. The untainted parts, once confined under clothes, now seemed to glow. Later, Ghaelt would take his sweet time to make sure that the lovely face would glimmer, too, and the lashes shrouding those eyes would lift up and reveal the splendor underneath. Ghaelt made a silent, circling movement around the man when, suddenly, he was too shy to cont
inue what he had set out to do from the very beginning.

  Quickly, quickly, before he awakens. Before this stunning creature regained his consciousness and made Ghaelt’s work difficult.

  Ghaelt settled his heart and he sneaked forward on his trembling limbs and this time, when he finally felt certain, he spread the man’s legs open.

  All of a sudden, he heard a sound. He looked up and found the man’s eyes staring at him.


  When Aleich awakened, the first thing he realized was that he was without his garments and his legs were wide open. A cold breeze made him shudder and he curled up into a tiny ball as he tried to recall what had happened. Being stung by a massive spider... Aleich let out a gasp as memories returned. He clambered to a sitting position, expecting to see a spider at his feet.

  Which was not what he found at all.

  Instead of a spider, there was a man on all fours, naked, his face hidden beneath his long dark hair. His breath was heavy as he slowly raised his head. His eyes were wide and dark like his hair, which grew all over his body. Aleich suppressed his shivers.

  “Who are you?” Aleich hissed through trembling lips. He pressed himself against the roughened, rock-strewn wall behind him, folding his legs up to his chest.

  “Fear not.” The stranger before him stood up. “I’m the spider. Or I was...but thanks to you, I am no longer.”

  “How?” Aleich’s voice choked. “You—you were Ghaelt, the monster spider?”

  “I was.”

  Aleich found the man smiling a little.

  “But you helped free me from the curse,” Ghaelt continued quietly. “For that I must be grateful.”

  Rage flooded into Aleich. “Helped you? You took me against my will!”

  Ghaelt’s hairy body flushed, despite his hidden complexion. He bowed down.

  “I know, and I apologize. But it was the only way. I have to fall in love with someone to destroy the spell. I’ve seen other creatures but they are all too dreadful for me to love. Then you passed by—what were you doing so far from your home, by the by?—and I knew you could save me.”